
Corthustra: I’m doing okay atm, in general not so great. Earlier tonight I was doubting I would make it for the long haul.

Lulu: Long haul? You working an overnight?

Corthustra: Nah, life

Lulu: Huh whatcu mean?

Corthustra: Knowledge is really the void of knowledge

Lulu: Codified or uncodified?

Corthustra: He thinks this organism may hold the answers to the meaning of life, but it’s more likely to hold a void, that which creates more empty spaces, leaves questions unanswered, maybe even in a  brutal and uncomfortable way.

Our existence requires destruction, Calvin doesn’t hate us but it has to kill us.

Calvin is not the answer to your existential dilemma anymore than it’s the answer to Q’s physical cripple. You just have to let it die to survive.

Lulu: You know this n* back when he come with a response like that and now I’m rockin the hot pants.

Corthustra: I’m talking abstract knowledge here

Corthustra: As in “scientific”

Corthustra: Hot pants?? lol

LuLu: Wth is Calvin?

Corthustra: Calvin is the alien life form from the science fiction film Life

Lulu: Was just thinking about the void ironically.

Lulu: Watched new Anthony Bourdain, he went to Antartica, ppl there studying the black hole at the center of our universe, just thought wow, the void really is the heart of everything

Lulu: Is God not something of the incalculable void of our universe, our reality?

Lulu: Lacan was reading Ibn Arabi through Henry Corbin after all

Lulu: Everything revolves around nothingness, everything is a reaction to nothingness

Lulu: Everything is something because of this nothingness


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