Phantom On the Horizon

Cecil is a captain with a mission to get that boat to shore. Put on some music and vibe to it. The shore may be close or may be far. You’ll never know until the fog is gone and you can see the north star. You are clothes, boots and motorcycle. You are on a mission to terminate the threat to your future. Young blood.

There are a lot of ghosts on the ship too. They fade in and out with the fog. You are afraid of them but they are your friends and they each have a story to tell you. Listen to them and they come to life through you and you through them.

A young woman’s voice singing “Wake up, wake up.” Name of character draws a blank. The hazel color of her eyes turn to gray as her face fades and becomes transparent. She is the ghost of your untold story. The Other who returns from the future.

He seeks her. His heart burns for her but she forever slips through his fingers every morning. Sand spiraling upwards like the sorrows of a desperate cry unto G-d. “Do not forget me,” he shouts.

I have not forgotten you.

She has not forgotten him but her voice is indistinguishable from his own at this point and howling like the wind she moans.

“Where am I?” he asks. “Who am I?”

Through the fog pierces a bright light like sunshine but the hairs on the neck stand straight as a spine as they prickle the wind.

“We’re getting closer to shore,” Cecil thinks to himself.

You’re all alone now. You’ve always been alone, but always with your ghosts. In this sense you have had company and on a long journey company is useful. One cries, the other shrieks with laughter when she feels close. Everything falls apart then regroups before your eyes. Things keep on coming together.

An island begins to form where Cecil will settle down for a while. It seems to blow before him in the storm. Pick up the iron and get ready to set ashore. Certain, but not quite sure.

“I don’t know where I’m sailing but I proceed forward none the less.” The waves caress the ships bottom and bring the cold boat to a still warm bed of palm trees as the clouds dissipate. “This is the place,” he hopes. Drop the iron down through pit-less soil. Just another phantom on the horizon.

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