A. Puerto’s “Eeyore Chronicles” (parts 3 and 4)

Part 3

SpongeBob and  Eeyore sit on a see saw after seeing saw.

All six.

After the first SpongeBob grabs a crucifix and puts it in a crabby patty. At this point Eeyore’s looking for his tail. It’s lost with his daddy. Christopher will find it though, but he better hurry up because the antidepressants may not last through the second (Saw II).

The pit of needles is like SpongBob’s favorite thing next to fried pickles, or sea cucumbers.

Eeyores always focusing on lumber, always tryna build a new foundation.

SpongeBob waits for the train to pass at the station.

He didn’t wanna get on, he thought the idea of land travel was absurd and it was around the third (Saw III) when Eeyore looked outside and noticed a bird. It resembled tweetie. It depressed him. SpongeBob saw it to, it upset him so. He pulled out a monopoly board,  because the game of life left him bored, and Eeyore didn’t wanna play.

He wanted to wait for his tail. He couldn’t retrace his steps, he forgot his trail.

Eeyore on his second course, last supper, their starting the fourth (Saw IV).

This one’s Spongbob’s favorite. He looks at the time, he can’t believe him and Eeyore made it.

It’s so late,  so he’s starting to forget what happened but he can’t rewind the tape. He’s not that kind,  if love is blind, isn’t hate just closing your eyes?

SpongeBob has a vision addiction. Eeyores stocking up on those prescriptions.

The mission is to finish the series.

Spongbob’s admiration for Eeyores anti-gratification leaves him polishing off a fifth around the start of the fifth (Saw V), Eeyores finishing off a wish.

It’s 11:11, they wanna finish. They’ve come all this way. All the blood and gore the guts and heads, rolling rolling rolling stop.

Eeyore doesn’t wanna roll anymore he wants to stay indoors, slumped on the floor. He needs to build his fucking house.

Eeyores starting to dose. SpongeBob gives him a poke, Eeyores startled and annoyed by the sick joke, see he sleeps cuz that’s the only time he could ever dream, but he’s not in control of those, but that’s how he feels about everything.

In the middle of the sixth (Saw VI) SpongeBob kicks dirt in Eeyore’s eye, he tries everything to not look like he’s gonna cry. SpongeBob jumps and jumps.

The dust keeps falling off the bottom of his shoe.

Eeyore doesn’t really know what to do.

Just wait till the movies over, just wait till the movings over, just wait it will all pass over.

Part 4

Eeyore and Dariah feel lost.

Eeyore suggests that they watch lost, 24/7

Every season.

All six.

The juxtaposition of the island to the jungle boars, to polar bears.

Daria sees the metaphor, Jack and John or Jack and Jill, they all end up falling down the hill.

Eeyore’s looking for his pills on the floor. He doesn’t have to watch because he’s seen it before. Christopher and Jane will soon be there too. More humans, what’s Eeyore supposed to do?

More pills, more season changes, new series.

New show, now more characters play in. Daria likes it at first, a break from the mainstream, but the predictability about it and her lack of dreams, Eeyore’s lack of ambitious motivation.

Eeyore knew his dreams and how they’d never ever come through. Feeling sad, he puts on Mad Men.

Daria realizes this is more “mainstreemanisation”. She didn’t want to deal. She thought all mules wore heels, or horse shoes. Meanwhile Eeyore can’t even find his tail, is he stepping on her neck? Its starting to look so frail. He knows girls just wanna have fun but he cant  seem to take it. He knows  tequila is the way to go but he cant seem to make it.

They both look at each other, hungry for some more watching each other watching. Watching watching watching, stop.

Daria cant watch any more. Eeyore needs a nap. He needs to see  a dream.

Daria waits for jane to tell her everything. Pooh mite come, and Tiger, hopping on his butt, when tigers there everyones like “Turn down for what?”

They hide from the mainstream, every ones keying at their door. Daria’s okay for now but she knows she’ll want some more.

Eeyore wants to fly today but his wings don’t ever grow.

Daria wants her drive today but Eeyores on the floor. His head hurts, its stuck in the dirt.

Daria has to get a shovel.

Dig dig dig,

while Eeyore’s forming a tunnel.

Dig dig dig dig,

This task isn’t very humble. It’s more subtle too wait for him while reading a novel, to dig his way out, but this may cause some trouble.

As his head peaks out, they look to the sky above them, clouds and shapes, birds and landscapes.

Tweet  tweet tweet, the birds tell them. Eeyore pulls out his arm to take a picture. He puts his head back in the hole as Jane and Christopher get there. Cynics and critics.

Eeyore meets in this hole but maybe this can be the foundation to the top of the mound after all.

After all Daria is with him, with more of a grip, which she comes to pull him out with, and he knows he wont slip.

The break, the bad, smoke some grass and smile. Maybe everything will be alright, maybe, but maybe it’ll take a while. They watch each other watching each other watch.  Watching watching watching…watch

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